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Noa Tishby is the 11,000th pledger to JFP towards $600 billion goal
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Noa Tishby is the 11,000th pledger to JFP towards $600 billion goal

Jewish National Fund-USA partners with Jewish Future Pledge, a worldwide movement working to ensure that vibrant Jewish life continues for generations to come.

It calls on all Jews to pledge that half or more of the charitable giving in their estate plan will support the Jewish people and/or the State of Israel.

Together, Jewish National Fund-USA and Jewish Future Pledge will advance a shared vision and commitment to secure a vibrant Jewish future, sparking critical intergenerational conversations about Jewish values and proliferating a culture of legacy giving.

According to philanthropist Mike Leven the founder of the Jewish Future Pledge there is an unprecedented opportunity to secure the funds necessary for a vibrant Jewish future.

Over the next 25 years, $68 trillion will transfer to the next generation, with $6.3 trillion allocated to charity. About 20 percent of this allocation or 1.26 trillion charitable dollars will be given from Jewish donors.

By taking the Jewish Future Pledge, donors can help ensure that more than $600 billion is set aside for Jewish causes when wealth is transferred from this generation to the next.

We are pleased to share that world-renowned actress and activist Noa Tishby is the 11,000th pledger of The Jewish Future Pledge.

Noa is Israel’s first Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism and Delegitimization. She has spoken at the United Nations General Assembly, and was named one of the 50 Most Powerful Jews in the World.

Like us, Noa knows the Jewish Future cannot be taken for granted, and that Jews across the world must stand up and defend their faith, culture, and support of Israel.

“The importance of ensuring the future of the Jewish people cannot be understated,” says Leven, Founder of the Jewish Future Pledge.

“These 11,000 pledges represent concrete, tangible action which we hope will ignite a surge of Jewish pride, secure much needed funds for the future, and spark critical intergenerational conversations about Jewish values.”

If you are interested in joining the Jewish Future Pledge please visit:

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