$20 million naming gift from Robert & Janet Vackar to university athletics-with more to follow

At the renamed Robert & Janet Vackar Stadium, UTRGV announced a $20 million donation from Robert and Janet Vackar for UTRGV Athletics.
The stadium seats 10,000 people and includes 20 acres of festival grounds, an LED video board, and a 2,500-seat amphitheater.
UTRGV President Guy Bailey said the Vackars’ continuous support is greatly appreciated and has given the university credibility.
“I am thrilled and proud today to announce another gift of friendship,” Bailey said. “The Vackars, Bob and Jan, are currently gifting UTRGV Athletics $20 million. In recognition of their generosity, UTRGV is naming this stadium … the Robert and Janet Vackar Stadium.”
The Vackars, owners of the Bert Ogden Auto Group, have previously made donations to UTRGV, notably a $15 million donation in 2016, after which the university named its College of Business and Entrepreneurship after Robert C. Vackar, plus a donation of over $2 million for scholarships earlier that year.
Vice President and Director of Athletics Chasse Conque said the donation was a historic moment that set a new standard for UTRGV.
“Your support is a validator for us,” Conque said. “Not only will you make an impact on the student athletes and the coaches and everybody involved in our department, but think about the gameday experience. … Think about the students, our university community. … You guys are providing something to our community that we are missing.”
Janet Vackar said she was happy with UTRGV and its growth.
“When this opportunity came up, we were thrilled,” she said.
Robert Vackar shared a similar sentiment.
“When you talk about Edinburg, it does have a sentimental place in my heart,” he said. “I am a product of Edinburg, Texas. … We’re so blessed and so fortunate to be part of this university. Dr. Bailey has been such a good friend to us.”
Robert Vackar said he thinks their support will make an impact on the community as a whole.
Janet Vackar said the couple plans on making more donations to UTRGV in the future.
Conque said in the following months, the Intercollegiate Athletics Department will give updates on new renovations being made to the stadium.
“The support of the Vackars is going to allow us to do some things to this already beautiful stadium,” he said. “It’s going to take it to the next level, really get it ready for college football and make sure we have all the fan amenities for our students and the fans across the Rio Grande Valley.”
The football program is set to start its first game in 2025.